April and May feel full and wonderful at the same time! By the time the month ends, we will have attended four weddings (three of which Karl officiates), gone to quite a few t-ball games (Braden and Kole are Cardinals!), planted a garden, become a distributer for Shaklee, a "green" company (more of this in a different post), and enjoyed the beautiful spring/summerish weather. I love this time of year! I'm excited for Braden and Kole to be out of school to free up our schedule and spend more uninterrupted times at the park and pool with friends. We are blessed with a lot of amazing people in our lives. Last night, for instance, we enjoyed a great dinner with the Walatkas which means, between us, eight children six and under! Can you imagine?! Needless to say, we adults waited to eat and have meaningful conversation until the little people (SEVEN boys and one girl....sorry, Anna!) had finished. Then, we came home to three more visitors and a rousing game of "Settlers of Catan." I did not play as I had plates to do (my part-time job working for my dad's company), but it was fun to just be at the table with the competitive males and listen to all the group dynamics! Hilarious! Such a night reflects what happens when you have two extreme extroverts married to each other.
Anyway, I was feeling like I had to come write a bit while my Kole and Owen were being "babysat" by the media (doesn't Owen look SO OLD in the above picture, by the way!)....now, enough of that! We have a garden to plant!
Hi Danielle! I used to sell Shaklee, but I realized the sales business isn't me. We still use some of it...which reminds me...I need to place an order!
:) Melissa Juvinall
I was so excited to read what you wrote that I quickly glanced at the picture. I thought it was Kole until you said it was Owen. He is getting so big!!
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