Friday, April 10

Teachable moments

I've decided that it's okay to write short, funny (at least to me!) blurps about our day to day life on here. That way, maybe people will realize we exist, and I won't wait to write until I have great pictures or profound nuggets of wisdom. Here is what just happened as my kids' ate hotdogs, celery boats, bananas, and jojos. I, the English teacher, was teaching my 3, 5, and 7 year old boys about alliteration. I was giving them examples:
  1. Braden buys Bakugans.
  2. Kole can read crazy books.

I guess Owen felt left out, so he piped up, "Owen makes stinky stuff on my bootie!"


Libby said...

oh my life. i need more of this.

Tisha Alexander said...

That is great!!!

Question for you. Did anyone end up taking over the One Family Tshirts? If so can you send me the link? Thanks!!