Hi everyone! I am writing as all of our paperwork (aka dossier) makes its way via that beautiful (okay, maybe not so beautiful) UPS truck towards Virginia and the America World headquarters. Yes, you heard right: our dossier is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how excited I am. I say "I" simply because it's one of those weeks for Karl (work-related commitments four nights of the week on top of everything else) so we haven't communicated that much, I'm sorry to say. I'm sure he's thrilled, too, but we would both admit that while our family is in this together, I've taken the bull by the horns. We joke--truthfully--that our infant daughter would be eight by the time Karl got everything done for the adoption. I hope this doesn't communicate a lack of enthusiasm, just some realism about the organizational gifting of our dynamic duo. ANYWAY, we're done, we're done, we're DONE. There is just a little bitty piece of me that hates to say that until we hear from America World that it all looks good to go, but I'll try to have more faith! Thanks to everyone for their prayers. I'll update more as soon as Duni (our new family coordinator) lets up know if there are anymore updated timeframes now that the paperwork is in.
On another note, an America World family just received a referral for an infant girl today. This is the first news in this department since the referrals mid-October, so it is thrilling, both for Mel and Steve and the rest of us, that things may be moving again. GOD IS SO GOOD!
(The above "We're almost done!" pic was taken by our precious Kole since Daddy didn't get home until around 11 p.m and we dropped the package off to UPS around 6. Do you see the exhaustion in my face? I think I've gained at least 3 dozen new gray hairs over the last four months :) Just kidding...just two dozen. Thanks, Kole. He's a pretty terrific photographer for a four-year-old standing on a barstool! I just wish you could see from the picture just how thick the stacks really were!)
YIIIIPEE! Congrats on mailing your dossier in!
Yipee! I hope we can travel together too...and soon:) Isn't it a great feeling to have it all done! You look beautiful with all that paperwork!
That is AMAZING! YAY! That is so cool!
Yeah!!!! So exciting news that it is finished. Now, just the wait, I guess. You guys must be so thrilled! Praying with you for a fast process :-)
YEAH!!! I am so glad for you! Steve and I are a bit similar with me doing most of the dossier work but we are still a team in it! Maybe we will travel together. I would love to get to know you more and hope that happens!
Can I hope for the 15 month estimate or is that absolutely cruel?
No, really, CONGRATULATIONS!!! tqm (that's short for te quiero mucho, or I love you. you need to know it. mental note to you.)
Hi Danielle,
Thanks for the post! I live in Fullerton! I read your blog for a while, but never posteed!
Congrats Danielle!! I laughed about your grey hairs comment.......I was JUST looking in the mirror in horror at how many I have added to my head over the past few months, and was thinking it was the stress and emotion of waiting. Hang on with me and we'll break out the color kits!!
You made it!!! I know how great it feels. I can still remember it like it was yesterday. We will keep you in our prayers now that the wait begins.
We totally need to meet up with our kidlets!
I rejoice with you Danielle - and I pray for a short wait.
I love you!
Congrats on this big step! We sent in our dossier only a couple days behind you, perhaps we'll be traveling together. :D
Hope you feel better soon!
Congratulations! Now you can relax (and get over strep--ugh!) and wait. Hopefully things will move quickly for those of you who are just now getting dossiers in! Very Exciting!
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