Saturday, January 19

Good ole strep

I wish I had Karl take a picture of the back of my throat, but, for the more squeemish of my reading audience, it's probably better he did not. Needless to say, it's red and filled with spots and puss pockets. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have strep throat. And not just ANY strep throat, the worst sickness I've had since kids, and maybe longer than that. I know that because since becoming a mommy 6/12 years ago, I've always been able to "suck it up" and mother (albeit begrudgingly at times) despite my illness. Today this has not been the case. However, after spending $100 on an urgent care visit, some juice and soup, and a prescription (and some great parenting by my dear husband), I think I'm on the road to recovery. This is good news, since Karl is now complaining of some redness. I wonder if that kissing two nights ago was really worth it?!? Ah well, the things we do for love :)


Rob and Candy said...

OH NO! Rob had Strep over Christmas... it was not pretty. I hope you are feeling better soon!

kflyingcircus said...

Eewww..,You know, that happens when you kiss :-) I asked God to help me to stop raising my voice at my kids. Within the hour, I had no voice and it stayed away for 2 days. Hmmm....lesson learned? ;-)

Rebecca Caldwell said...

Hope you are feeling better are too cute! Thanks for all the help with the dossier info sheet...I finally figured it out and Duni also emailed it to to me!

kristin said...

yucky, I remember having that and it was NO NO NO fun! I am sorry. I hope the perscription will heal it right up!

the Steiger's said...

Oh no!! Our family went through strep all winter long few years back. No fun that is for sure. I will pray you will recover soon.

jeny said...

Danielle, I'm so sorry you're sick. Are the meds kicking in yet and helping you to feel some relief yet?
I'm praying for you guys.

jill coen said...

Hope you're totally back to good health now. Yuck! Did Karl get it? Hope not. Congrats on "waiting". :)