Friday, March 21

Lots of simply wonderful news

Wow! Where to start! This has been a week of many family additions in two different ways. First, I have three precious friends who delivered babies yesterday and today. Kristine's two oldest ones have joined our crew for the night as they anxiously await Daddy's arrival at 8 a.m. so they can meet their little sister. Kristi, has delivered a beautiful baby girl as well. And Carrie has given birth to an 8 1/2 lbs. baby boy. How exciting!
Equally exciting is the fact that America World has given NINE referrals to seven different families this week. The children range in age from one month to nine years. Can you believe it?!? NINE!
Here is the crazy part: with 12 children entering new families....I CAN ONLY TELL YOU THE NAME OF ONE OF THEM!!!!!!!! You heard me right: only one! Now, Kristi lives in Missouri and perhaps her excited husband (who posted the pictures and a one word sentence with no details) just forgot. Kristine and Josh didn't have a name for Liah for forever, so I'm not surprised they don't have a name yet. And Carrie and Adam HAVE a name (and I DO know it will be an "A" name to match the other members of their clan (all but Carrie, that is), but she said on the phone that I can't know it until I see her at the hospital. I don't know the Ethiopian sweeties names because the families haven't had court dates yet (court dates usually come somewhere in the vicinity of 1-3 months after a referral is accepted) which means the children aren't officially theirs and if they posted anything but the most basic details (and DEFINITELY no pictures) they would be in jeopardy of actually losing their children. So, little Gabrielle, I will be holding on to your name tonight and be waiting to hear the others in the days to come.
Now, it's hard to top the above, but there's more:
America World has now partnered with another orphanage! Their name is KVI and they look and sound so wonderful! You can find them at By the way, the other orphanage America World is currently working with is Kids Care and their web page is: I don't know. Someone help me here. I've been "looking" for about 2 hours now (and getting very distracted along the way) and still can't find it. Help.
Here is the letter we got from Duni today (a BIG Praise the Lord!):
Dear Ethiopia Families,
The number of days an abandoned child has to remain in an orphanage before being eligible for adoption has been reduced from 90 days to 60 days. We are happy with this new law as it allows children to unite with their forever families even quicker.
In Christ,
Duni Zenaye
Africa Program Director
TOLD YOU!!!! Isn't this all amazing?!?


Cindy Foote said...

There is so much going on in your world! I feel the whirlwind just from reading! Excited to follow your journey.
The Footes (AWAA/ET family)

Britney said...

That is awesome!

Renee' said...

Nice to meet you, Danielle! We haven't had our first home study yet, nor have we received the list of stuff we need for our Dossier from AWAA... so that explains why I have time to read! Gotta do something while I am waiting!!

Britney said...

Do I still owe you a check? I don't remember writing one, so I most likely didn't do it yet. About getting the shirt, I can come pick it up from you. OR if Seth and/or Adam is headed your way sometime soon, we can do business through them. I'm in their office once a week and see them several times besides that. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. :)

Amy said...

My name is Amy Bottomly. I grew up with Melissa Lemke.. she just connected us on facebook. I just wanted to say hello! I think I have been to your blog before because I remember looking at your t shirts. We know the Lorenzens and the Landers too. We are connected as well with Families for Africa. We have a boy from Ethiopia.. Silas.
Just saying Hello!

Anonymous said...
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AJLutz said...

You know what I love about that video clip you posted below? He sounds the SAME with just his guitar and a video camera as he does on the radio w/ all the touch-ups. It's so refreshing!