Saturday, April 26

My goofy side on our Mini Taylor Reunion

Here are pics of our little Taylor trip with some of my closest friends. I find that as a mom, I often lose this part of me that is very prevalent just under the surface. Life just happens and after enough, "MOM!" comments (because I'm being too weird--and my kids are only 2, 5, and 6!) I just tone it down. But this is the real me, folks. :) Let me explain what's going on in the shots (since, for the life of me, I can't figure out how to put the pictures and subsequent writing where I want to in blogger). Top picture is the whole crew at Meredith's parent's house in Noblesville. We all spent the night here the second night. The second and third pictures reflect the fact that while at Taylor, we visited our rooms for old times' sake (and maybe to introduce ourselves to the inhabitants) only to find that my precious room, Olson 310, was no more because of increased bathroom space (and maybe a storage closet to accomodate the extra pipes, etc.) The shower I'm laying in is app. where my room should have been! The fourth picture is me trying to semi-discreetly draw attention to the guy walking behind me in the red shirt. Any '80's Petra fans out there (the Christian rock group)? Well, that's the founder's son. Then is the shady building we called home (aka the Bomb Shelter) our senior year of college. If you couldn't tell, we're trying to look "ghetto." Lastly, is Julie (she's the brown-haired chic that was brought in from Texas for the Christian Ed. department's series on Women in Ministry--that's what motivated us to get together), Amy, and I with Barb--the dining commons worker that knows EVERY STUDENT'S NAME (2000+)!!! Can you imagine?!? She was wonderful when we were there, and she's wonderful now almost 10 years later :)
Wonderful school, wonderful time, wonderful friends. Just wanted to share............


JDGregory said...

It was good to see you at church this morning. My blog is and Josh's is

Elizabeth said...

You crack me up, the picture on the bathroom floor! For me that would actually be reminiscent of my college age years ;-)! It was great to get a hug yesterday! And it is nice to read of your progress with the adoption!
Praying for you!Miss you!

Kristine said...

It looks like you had a blast. I'm not sure about lying in a college dorm shower. That's the "germaphobe" in me talking. It would be convenient though to have your bed in the shower stall. It would give you a couple of minutes of extra sleep I would think. Can't wait to see you in a couple of days.

Tisha Alexander said...

Hello... I found you because of you Tshirts... very nice by the way!! I also went to Taylor University, graduated in 1999. I have 3 boys (6,5,3) and we will be starting the adoption process to ET in the fall.
I will be checking back often, to keep up on your family and your adoption journey!

Tisha Alexander said...

Hi again...
My maiden name is Hubbard. I lived at 2CO... I lived next door to Lisa VanRyn. I was only there my junior and senior year!
We are not using America World. We are using All God's Children in Washington state.
Have a great weekend.

jeny said...

Happy Mother's Day! It was great to see you for a brief moment today :) See you soon . . . can't wait.